This is all about anticipation and reaction i.e. the earlier you see something the sooner you react to it. Make sure you look well ahead of you.
A hazard is anything that might make you change your speed or your direction. There are moving hazards and static hazards e.g. pedestrians, cyclists, speed bumps, potholes etc
Get as much driving experience as possible in all road, traffic and weather conditions.
Some examples of good anticipation:
- Never take the actions of another road user for granted. Be prepared to stop even if you have right of way!
Always look several cars ahead of you rather than at the car that’s directly in front. If you see brakes light ease of the gas while having a quick glance in your middle mirror and then apply the brakes if necessary. - When driving in traffic be wary of the vehicle in front is they are driving unusually slow, they may be looking for somewhere to pull in and park. Leave them plenty of room to manoeuvre. Often they may drive passed a parking spot, stop and reverse into the spot to park. Remember reverse lights are white so be ready to react if you see reverse lights coming on. You don’t want to stop to close and have to reverse yourself.
- Watch out for your vulnerable road users i.e. pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. Pedestrians often walk in between vehicles (if raining they may be running) cyclists may swerve to avoid potholes / puddles.
- Always leave enough room between you and the vehicle in front, make sure you have enough time to stop within the distance ahead of you that is clear.
To summarise, you must “React promptly and properly to hazards” so as soon as you see a potential hazard ahead ease of the gas while checking your middle mirror, cover the brake and apply if necessary.